Archinect Feature + Autumn Reflections

Hi there.

We’ve already had our first couple of snowfalls in Bozeman, and even though it feels like I’ve spent more days outside of my hometown than in it, I’m grateful for the changing seasons and the moments of reflection I’ve had personally and professionally this month.

There’s nothing like cold season, particularly for those of us with school-age children or who are on airplanes often, to inspire a doubling down on our health and wellness routines.

I am always thinking about the power of place and design to make us feel well inside.

One of my favorite projects was the award-winning Knot Springs in Portland, and I’m always excited to check out the latest wellness centers close to home or on the road. This month, I’ve taken in the views at Sage Lodge in Paradise Valley and cold plunged at Boise’s Studio Lotus. Yet, I don’t think we need to be at a luxury spa to experience greater health and wellness in our homes and workplaces.

I’ll be iterating on this vision with a female founder and CEO we look up to, Gwyneth Paltrow, at goop Health in L.A. on November 16. If you’re going, let me know as I’d love to connect.

We continue to see our hard work rewarded in the media and helping lead our discipline into a more equitable era. I was pleased that Archinect featured OSC in its Studio Snapshot series. In a long-form interview, I shared my thoughts on the importance of establishing an open-minded approach to business, what it means to build success as a female business owner in a male-dominated field, and we we are looking for in new hires as we grow our Bozeman, MT and Ojai, CA based team.

To designing a beautiful future,

Allison Bryan and the OSC Team